Friday, April 27, 2012

So this past Sunday Dallan and I decided to 
take advantage of the nice weather we were
having and go for a motorcycle ride.  When
we got home and I stepped off the 
motorcycle I accidentally hit my leg on the
tail pipe. OUCH!!! It started out as a blister
and has since become infected. :(
 But it has mad for some cool

This is how it started out....
This is how it looks now... 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I am pleased to announce that the Jazz made it into the 2012 playoffs and Dallan, Kelsey, Ty, and I were all in attendance to witness that great game.  And, surprisingly enough, thanks to Facebook, we discovered our cousin Makensie and husband Jason were also there and got to meet up with them for a little bit.  We didn't get home until 3 am but it was sooooo worth it! :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

This is what Courtney and I like to call the
Tonight we were able to get together with some of our awesome friends in the ward for miniature golf and snacks at the Tew's house.  As it turns out, Courtney Spicer and I were not the best mini golfers in the group, but it was pretty fun none-the-less. :) Us and the Spicers road our bikes to the miniature golf course and are planning on going for another ride tomorrow!  I need to say, going for motorcycle rides is a lot more fun when you go on rides with other people. :)
Dallan and I with our sexy bike :)

Daniel and Courtney rockin' the motorcycle.
 The Gang! (Thieman's, Coray's, Lammer's, Tew's, Spicer's, and Parker's)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our Easter Sunday celebrations did not end after the Egg Toss this year.  This year Dallan's 23rd birthday fell on Easter Sunday.  We had some cake and ice cream and presents at the Parker's.  Dallan got some good cash contributions to his "motorcycle accessories fund".  He also got some good motorcycle gloves from Grammy Jean (which he looks so good with).  And a good looking Nike shirt. (Now that he has a new shirt maybe we could start working on getting rid of some of the old worn out ones?) :)

So Easter 2012 was fun this year!  We had a big group to do the Parker's annual tradition of the egg toss.  We had Little Rob and his beautiful, pregnant wife Heather, the Ravsten boys, and Sarah Knight.  It was eventful to say the least. Dallan and I both got mobbed by Allie, Carly, and/or Sarah.  And when I saw mobbed I mean it took us a couple of rounds of shampoo to get all of the egg out of our hair. :)  Here are a few of the fun shots we got at the 2012 Egg Toss...

So Ty got his endowments out this month.  It was just a wonderful thing to be apart of.  Most of my mom's family was there and the spirit was so amazing.  We unfortunately forgot to get a picture of Ty and the temple before we left but we did get a few shots of the temple and falls on our way out.  Thankfully Erica got some good shots of the family that we will, hopefully, be able to get copies of. :)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

I have been stalking pinterest and I keep pinning pieces of a dream house... :)

So Dallan is getting his motorcycle back tonight all fixed and ready to go!  We will be going for a ride tomorrow! YAY!
Question of the day in my psychology class... Does altruism really exist?

Makes you think, huh?

I don't know about anyone else, but this is so true.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

So Dallan just got a new motorcycle and he is SO excited about it.  It is what he likes to call a "big boy" bike. :) It is a 1400 so it has some good get-up-and-go.  We have only been able to ride it once because of the weather and we need to get the breaks fixed but it is pretty fun. :)

Totally vintage, totally cute.

I love this look. Simple, sophisticated, and homey.  And I can never get enough natural sunlight in my house. This is just perfect. :)

Never been a huge lover
 of bows but this is just so dang cute!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

I love food.  Correction, I love good food.  However, I am also a poor, busy college student.  So yesterday while I was getting out some lunch meat and cheese out of the fridge a light bulb came on.  I saw some pesto in my fridge from another meal I had made last week and decided to put some on my sandwich, just to spice it up.  OH MY GOODNESS! It was delicious!  It is now my new favorite quick lunch!  Melted ham and swiss with a hint of pesto.  Delicious, quick, and easy!

"When you come to the temple you will love your family with a deeper love than you have ever felt before. The temple is about families."
—Richard H. Winkel

My grandpa told me once that his life began the day he married my grandmother.  I didn't fully understand the concept of that statement until August 12, 2011.